Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis services offered in Corona and Ontario, CA

The Achilles tendon is your body’s strongest tendon — but, unfortunately, it’s vulnerable to overuse injury called Achilles tendonitis. At Advanced Care Foot and Ankle, with offices in Corona and Ontario, California, experienced podiatrists Norris Morrison, DPM, Lateef Lawal, DPM, and Brian Constantine, DPM, take a personalized approach to Achilles tendonitis care. They get to know your situation and needs, prescribe the most effective care, and then follow up to make sure you heal. Book your appointment online or call the office nearest to you now.

What is Achilles tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is a painful condition involving inflammation in your Achilles tendon, which begins at the bottom of your calf muscle and runs down the back of your leg to connect to your heel bone.

You use your Achilles tendons when you make any movements involving heel lift-off, so a healthy Achilles tendon is crucial for walking, running, climbing, and jumping comfortably and safely. Therefore, it’s important to treat Achilles tendonitis as soon as you experience its tell-tale symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Achilles tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis causes symptoms such as:

  • Aching or pain just above your heel
  • Swelling above and around your heel
  • Pain that starts immediately after physical activity like running
  • Pain in the morning
  • Decreased foot movement, like an inability to point your toes down

Longer periods of physical activity can cause more intense symptoms. If you don’t treat the injury, Achilles tendonitis can significantly worsen. The tendon may weaken to the point of tearing (an Achilles tendon rupture), which could lead to mobility issues without treatment.

What causes Achilles tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis occurs due to tendon strain. The strain can happen in a few ways, but it’s especially common in people who suddenly start a new workout routine or increase the duration or intensity of their workouts. In fact, nearly 25% of athletes have an Achilles tendon injury such as Achilles tendonitis at some point in their life.

The Achilles tendon also weakens as you age, so Achilles tendonitis is particularly common in people in their 40s and older. Bone spurs and unusually tight calf muscles can also contribute to Achilles tendonitis.

How is Achilles tendonitis treated?

Achilles tendonitis usually improves with nonsurgical treatment. Some common approaches include:

  • Rest
  • Ice therapy
  • Foot orthotics
  • Prescribed exercises (calf stretches and muscle strengthening)
  • Splinting at night
  • Healing treatments 

Treatment works best early in the course of the injury, so reach out to Advanced Care Foot and Ankle right away if you experience symptoms of an Achilles tendon injury. The team can also help you make changes that prevent another bout with Achilles tendonitis in the future. 

The Advanced Care Foot and Ankle team use a personalized approach to relieve your pain quickly so you can get back to your normal activities. Book your appointment online or call the office nearest to you for Achilles tendonitis help now.