Hammer Toes

Hammer Toes

Hammer Toes services offered in Corona and Ontario, CA

If you wear shoes that crowd your toes or have an underlying medical condition like arthritis, you’re also more likely to experience hammertoes. At Advanced Care Foot and Ankle, podiatrists Norris Morrison, DPM, Lateef Lawal, DPM, Brian Constantine, DPM, and the team use conservative and minimally invasive treatments to relieve pain caused by hammertoes. To make an appointment, call the office in Ontario or Corona, California, or book online today.

What are hammertoes?

A hammertoe causes one or more of your middle toes to bend into a hammerhead-like position. Hammertoes occur because of an imbalance between the tendons and ligaments that hold your toe straight.

If you have an abnormal bend in your toe, it’s vital to seek treatment. Without intervention, your muscles and ligaments may stiffen, affecting your mobility and quality of life.

What are the symptoms of hammertoes?

A hammertoe causes your second, third, or fourth toe to stay bent in a curved position. Over time, you might notice that it’s hard to straighten the affected toes. You might also experience corns, calluses, or blisters where the top of the toes rub against your socks or shoes.

Who is at risk of hammertoes?

Anyone can experience a hammertoe, but several factors may increase your risk, including:

  • Being middle-aged or older
  • Being a woman
  • Having abnormally long toes
  • Having an underlying medical condition

You’re also more likely to develop a hammertoe if you experience trauma, like dropping something heavy on your foot or stubbing your toe.

How are hammertoes diagnosed?

The team at Advanced Care Foot and Ankle diagnoses hammertoes during an in-office visit.

First, your provider asks about your symptoms and reviews your medical records. Then, they ask you to take off your shoes and socks. Your Advanced Care Foot and Ankle provider examines your toes looking for redness or an abnormal bend.

Most hammertoes are visible to the eye, but your provider might also order X-rays, a CT scan, or an MRI to get a closer look at the bones and joints in your toes.

How are hammertoes treated?

Treatment of hammertoes depends on several factors, including the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your life. The team at Advanced Care Foot and Ankle recommends conservative treatments whenever possible, including:

  • Wearing comfortable and roomy shoes
  • Custom orthotics
  • Wearing over-the-counter shoe inserts or heel pads
  • Stretches to extend your toe muscles
  • Exercises to strengthen your toe muscles

If these treatments don’t provide lasting relief, the team might recommend surgery. During hammertoe surgery, your provider uses special tools to release the tendons holding your toe in a bent position.

To learn more about the treatment options for hammertoes, make an appointment at Advanced Care Foot and Ankle by calling the nearest office or booking online today.